Saturday, December 31, 2011

HAPPY 2012

Happy New Year!  I can't believe it's the start of a new year.  Ready for new memories, hopes and dreams.  My wish for 2012....happiness and health for my family, friends and those whom I may touch or be touched by this year.

I do have 1 selfish wish for the year.  A wish I dare not say but pray for God's guidance as only he knows my path.

May you and your family a blessed New Year



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Office Clean up... Finally!

Merry belated Christmas!  The holidays have been a blur, lots of eating, watching classic holiday programs and family gatherings.  I'm so grateful we could all be together another year.  I hope you got to slow down and enjoy the season.

3 days until the new year. I can't believe it.  Before I know it I'll be knee deep in wedding season.  This year will be different as I'm comfortably caught up and plan on staying that way.  I took the Christmas break to start an office clean up and overhaul.

Remember this?.....

 It now looks like this......
The shelf on the wall is from closet maid available at Target

How about this disaster?

I moved the bookcase to the little nook in the room where Ms Zoey's bed
used to be.  Added fabric bins also from closet maid.  They house 
lots of little wood dolls ready to be painted.

How about this closet?

Ta da.... Neat and Clean.  I added a closet maid cubical with 9 cubbies
to hold more wood.

The other side of the closet.... It's now home to my ribbon obsession
and back up paints.  It was actually a food storage rack! 
The blue storage bin on the floor (if you can see it) is holding shipping supplies

This is the wall the bookcase was on. 
 I moved the folding table to this wall.
This is where I place finished orders ready to be sealed and ship.
The bag on top of the printer is holding felt that will eventually be sorted and housed
in the rolling cart underneath the table.  Also under that table is my light box.  
Not positive about leaving it there.

Of course Ms. Zoey had to get in the picture.  It's still a work in progress but it's 10x's better than the mess I was working in.  I want to sand and paint my desk white.  Add artwork and another table to make my desk a bit bigger or replace the folding table.

I couldn't believe how much stuff I was hoarding.  I threw a ton of stuff out and found a lot of stuff I didn't know I had.  Hopefully I can keep it neat and organized.

My next organization job is to take on our garage and storage closet.......



Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last Day for Holiday Orders!

Good Morning!  Today is the last day to get your orders in for Holiday delivery (U.S. Residents only)  Sorry INTL friends I'm afraid they won't make it in time.  Orders placed after Dec 1st are not guaranteed but I will try my best.

Wedding season will be right around the corner again so get your orders in early.  This years wait time should be much better than last year since I'm now home running by biz full time.

Don't forget to join me on Facebook and twitter to be the first to receive discounts and giveaway information.  I plan on doing a lot this year.

I can't believe the holiday season is upon us.  I'm so grateful to be able to enjoy the season this year.  I'm also very grateful to you my customers.  Without you I wouldn't be able to do what I love.

Today I'm offering a special Dec kick off with 10% off your entire order.  Enter code DEC2011 at check out.  Offer ends at midnight



Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Finally Joined The Party!

Knottingwood  now has a Facebook Fan Page!  I'm only how many years late?  We're also tweeting our name on twitter is Knottinwood.  Join us on 1 or both to get special member discounts, giveaway and a first look at new products!

I'm also going to have a black friday sale so keep an eye out for the special discount code for that day.

Staying short and sweet today.  Have lots of new product designs I want to get started!



Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It could be suicide but I've changed my business name from The Pretty Pixie to Knottingwood.  I wanted something that represented what I do.  The Pretty Pixie just wasn't me.  I chose Knottingwood because it reminds me of imagination and creativity.  A magical place where any dream you have can come to life.  It's a perfect fit.  My goal is bring your imagination to life, from whimsical play sets to fairytale wedding cake toppers.   Now my little cottage business feels right.

With the new name comes a new shop logo..........

courtesy of saraubendall  

I have a ton of new product ideas I will begin rolling out in time for quick delivery for the holidays.  My latest is Eleanor's play house  a 6 piece play set complete with trees!

Knottingwood is now on twitter too!  Follow us and be the first to learn about new products, secret sales and follower only discounts.  On the sidebar of the blog you will see a tweet button, spread the word!

That's pretty much it on my side of the world.  I'm of to order all new promotional products and clean my kitchen....Ugh...



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's true....

Our semi-custom bride and grooms will now be available on The Knot.  It took me a little over a month to get this army of brides and grooms ready for their new home at the knot.  I'm not sure when they will be officially on the site but this crowd shipped out on Monday......

I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween.  We had more kids than I thought come around but I still have a ton of candy left and that is bad news for my butt!

Happy Tuesday


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who said SNOW?

Saturday we had what they call a noreaster come through.  Here in south jersey we had lots of rain and sleet.  Toward the night a few flurries but mostly rain/sleet mix when we went to bed.

Much to my surprise this is what I woke up to.....

Light snow but come on snow in October!
this is the view out of my kitchen windows

Front of my house

Miss Zoey not very please with the early snow.  
Makes going pee pee a challenge.

I do love the snow when I have no place to go.  I hope this isn't a sign of the winter to come.  Last year we had 3 snow storms back to back.  Lucky for me this year no more commuting to the city!  I love my job!

The early snow has me geared up for the Holidays. I just can't wait. Already I'm seeing Christmas commercials , really?  Can't they wait until the week of Thanksgiving to start?  Mmmm Thanksgiving my favorite holiday.  Ok, look at me all over the place. 

I hope tomorrow I get a decent turn out of trick or treaters or I'll be forced to eat all this candy.

How was the start your Sunday?



Monday, October 24, 2011

The Great Candy Debate

With Halloween quickly approaching it's made me think best and worst candy I would get as a kid.  I have a huge sweet tooth so I won't turn down much.

Top 5 Favorite
( huge score if you have more than one if at all when you pour out your candy at the end of the night.)

1. 100 Grand - Carmel and krispies can't go wrong
2. Milky way (frozen of course)
3. Peanut butter cup
4. Sweedish fish ( I never got these as a kid but I couldn't resist putting them on the list I love them)
5. Tiny halloween bags filled with a mix of candy, candy corn being a staple in them

Top 5 Bummers

1. Butterfinger - not a big fan
2. Chunky - I don't like raisins in my chocolate
3. Raisinettes - see reason 2
4. Goobers. - I like peanuts and chocolate but mostly if caramel is involved.
5. Pennies

I have many more favorites and could go on but I don't want to bore you.  Do kids even trick or treat anymore?  I do get kids in my neighborhood but not like when I was a kid.  We used to run out of candy in my house.  My dad would then give out quarters.  Kids came from about 3:00 to 10:00 pm.  Different times.  I think most kids do halloween parties instead of trick or treating.

What are your halloween favorites?



Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello Rain

Hello Rain!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE rainy days when you have no place to go.  I get much needed painting in AND sip lots of green tea.  Loving Apple Caramel from Republic of Tea.

5 things I love to do when it rains besides painting is....

1. Cuddle with Hubby and Zoey girl
2. Watch a good movie preferably anything from 1930-1960
3. Sip tea, sit in a comfy chair and watch the rain fall
4. Read my nook
5. Take a hot bath

What are your favorite things to do when it rains?



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's a SALE

Morning!  Just a quick post.

With October quickly coming to a close I decided to put a few select Halloween items on sale in the shop.  We have a new On Sale section. Prices have already been reduced.  If you've been eye a particular piece be sure to snatch it up now!

In other news I'm working on some awesome new Kokeshi dolls and other Holiday decor so check back often.  I'm thinking of offering another Samurai King but would like to have him painted and ready to ship before I list him.




Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Samurai King

Happy Wednesday!  It's rainy here in NJ.  I like rainy days when I have no where to go.  Just spend the day painting and sipping green tea.

A few weeks back I painted Ito a Geshia Kokeshi doll a lovely customer contacted me with interest in her but also a male counterpart.  We'll she was in luck!  I had been secretly plotting to paint a Samurai King.  With her interest I got to work.  I really love this new form of doll to paint so watch for more to come.  Each design will be produced in limited number and then retired.  Numbered and signed by me.  Maybe a certificate of authenticity too!  Now I present to you The Samurai King.....

He is approx 4 1/2" High.  
Head is movable so you can "pose" him

The happy couple is sold.  
Check my shop for more to come soon..

If you would like to create your own custom kokeshi doll visit my shop or send me an email

Single kokeshi's are $35.00 each

Happy Wednesday


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Crock Pot Part 2

Yesterday was round 2 with the crock pot.  I forgot to take pictures of the end result but trust me it was delicious!

I made pepper steak but substituted chicken for the steak and chicken bullion cube for the beef the recipe called for.  We have a winner winner chicken dinner!  The chicken was tender to the point it fell apart which I like.  If you like your peppers crispy I recommend adding them about 1/2 hour before it's done.  I like mine mushy so I added mine in the beginning.

This recipe came from

Simple Pepper Steak

2 pounds beef sirloin, cut into 2 inch
garlic powder to taste
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cube beef bouillon
1/4 cup hot water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 large green bell peppers, roughly
1 (14.5 ounce) can stewed tomatoes,
with liquid
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1.Sprinkle strips of sirloin with garlic powder to taste. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the vegetable oil and brown the seasoned beef strips. Transfer to a slow cooker.
2.Mix bouillon cube with hot water until dissolved, then mix in cornstarch until dissolved. Pour into the slow cooker with meat. Stir in onion, green peppers, stewed tomatoes, soy sauce, sugar, and salt.
3.Cover, and cook on High for 3 to 4 hours, or on Low for 6 to 8 hours.




Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm in Love

Of course my first love is my husband BUT my new love is my crockpot.  Now mind you I've had this little bad boy for 3 years.  Never opened, pushed to the back of my cabinets.  I bought it when we were in our last apartment before buying our house.  I think my mom was up for a visit from Fla and we took a ride to Bed Bath and Beyond to browse around (love that store)

Yesterday I decided to make chicken chili from  Perfect for a crisp fall day. Really easy and most of the ingredients I had in my cabinets.  I like a more hearty chili so next time I will use less of the "juice" from the beans.  Other than that   it was delicious.  I served warm Italian bread on the side.  Rice or a salad would be good too.  Here is the recipe and some shots from my kitchen (notice my unfinished back splash ugh!)

Easy Turkey Chili


    • 1 lb ground turkey ( you can sub ground chicken)
    • 1 small onions, chopped
    • 1 (4 1/2 ounce) cans chopped chilies, drained
    • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) cans black beans, undrained
    • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) cans chickpeas, undrained
    • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) cans kidney beans, undrained
    • 1 (28 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, with juice
    • 1 (16 ounce) cans tomato sauce
    • 1 -2 tablespoon chili powder, to taste


  1. Cook turkey and onion in a medium fry pan over medium high heat, scramble fry until no longer pink.
  2. Drain off fat and transfer cooked meat and onion to crock pot.
  3. Add all remaining ingredients and mix well.
  4. Cook on high 6 to 8 hours.

    What are your favorite crock pot recipes?



Monday, October 3, 2011

Office Space

Nope not the movie (although a great movie) I'm talking my office space.  I'm lucky to live in a 3 bedroom home.  One of those rooms has become my creative office space.  It however has been a disaster area since I began The Pretty Pixie full time.  Let me share.....

This is the view from the doorway.
My desk where I paint (it has the war wounds to prove it)
computer always next to me.  Old school tv.  Near the window a folding table
with orders in process.  I usually have 6-10 toppers going at all times
under that table is my light box where I take photos and boxes that I think
are empty?

Step deeper in to view the desk area.  I have sticky's all over.
I need a cork board. I really need some type of shelving for my paint
It sits on the floor in a clear bin next to the desk.

Swing around and you have a view of closet. 
That's if you can get to it.  More boxes and supplies block
it's way.  The side of the closet that is closed has boxes
from floor to top full of supplies most of which I have no use for
We need a major purge in this corner.
Once a topper is done and I've photographed it I move it to an
open space on the floor to seal and get ready for shipping

Next on the wish list is an area dedicated to shipping.

Turn again and you have the last wall in the office.
An awful bookcase from our last apartment before buying our house
It is part home to our many books (thank goodness for the B&N Nook)
and finished dolls looking for a good home!  Again more boxes and supplies
sit in front of it.  Next to the tired bookcase is a filing cabinet with holding
office paper work.  It doubles as a home for the printer on top.

December will not only be a time to rest and relax after a busy year
it will also be the start of an office renovation.

I would LOVE for it to look like this...

I'll settle for any of these....

I'll be sharing the complete overhaul so stay tuned!  



Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ummm.... Who are you again?

Wow ok where have I been and were did the summer go.  I can't believe Fall is here (love it though) and it's October 1st.

I've been busy painting wedding orders trying to get ahead of myself.  I'm starting to see the light!  I have a goal to have all orders done by the 15th of Nov(Dec 1st the latest)  I plan on taking December off to enjoy the Holidays with family and friends.  The shop will remain open but only be stocked with ready to ship items.  Custom orders for wedding cake toppers or anything else will resume Jan 1, 2012.    Also take note that the last day for Holiday orders to be received by Dec 25th is Nov 15th.

In my whirl wind of wedding orders I have found time to paint some new holiday items.  I'm also starting to think beyond wedding cake toppers and expand into some wedding decor/favors.  Lots of new ideas for 2012.

I also will have a HUGE announcement about my toppers coming soon.  Detail are pretty much final but I don't want to spill the beans until its complete.  So exciting!

I hope everyone had a fun summer.  I promise to blog more frequently now that wedding season is starting to clam down.  I have a lot of plans for this blog so stick with me if you can.

It's late so I'm off to bed.  I'll leave you with some of the new holiday items in the shop.  Most are ready to ship to grab they while you can!



HO, HO, HO votive blocks

BOO Votive Blocks 

Misfit Friends Ornaments

Mr and Mrs. Claus Ornaments

The Counts Halloween Center Piece

Advent Chalkboard Calendar

The Frankenstein's

Monogram Votive Blocks

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jersey Freeze

Hello there!  It's been awhile.  As always I'm painting my fingers to the bones but I love it!  I couldn't be happier since quiting my day job back in May.  I can't believe I'll be going on 3 months as a entrepreneur. 

Back to the post at hand.  I want to introduce you to a yummy little place called Jersey Freeze.  Located in Freehold, NJ.  They have hands down the best homemade ice cream in Monmouth County.  Known for THE BEST Milk shakes in Monmouth County. They are so thick you can get an aneurysm trying to sip it through a straw.  If you like bananas you must try the homemade banana ice cream.

What I love most is that for the diabetic or weight conscious person they have a pretty large selection of sugar free/fat free soft serve flavors with tons of yummy toppings to choose from.

Joe and I took my stepson Matt about 2 or 3 weeks ago.  First we stopped by the Italian-American festival at Freehold Raceway for a little taste of Italy.  Music, games and rides so much fun.  Once we were done there we went straight to Jersey Freeze right next door.  Not literally next door but you can hop skip and jump there!

I think they also have a small restaurant in the back with burgers and stuff but I've never been.  I usually only go for the ice cream.  Freehold Raceway Mall  is over there too if you visit.  Lots of nice shopping. I used to go there all the time when I lived in Freehold.  It's still a favorite to go to but I don't get there as often, hey who's got money to spend frivolously.

If you find yourself in Freehold, NJ stop by you'll be glad you did! Oh and they're open all year round!

Happy Sunday



Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I've been in a creative swing lately.  I love working on new projects so I try to slip some in while making adorable bride and grooms.

I recently finished these cuties "Gnomes in LOVE" complete with felt hats.  The hats aren't glued to the heads but don't fit perfectly snug.  I'm torn about glueing them on.  I guess I will let the lucky customer who takes these home decide.  Check them out in the shop here

The Counts
Miss Sophia VanSpellington and Count Edward of Goulville

They will have a haunted house to accompany them.  I'm still working on that so these are not yet in the shop.  If you like them just send me an email and I can make a pair for you.

That's whats new in my little world....



Tuesday, July 12, 2011


One of the things I love about living in NJ or the east coast in general is the change of seasons.  My favorite time of year is the Fall.  The smell of burning leaves, that nip in the air and of course all the beautiful colors the trees start to turn.  As soon as September hits and football season starts I get giddy.

Lately I've had fall on the brain.  I love summer but fall...nothing beats it.  With that said lately I've been brainstorming which leads to painting, which leads to new cute stuff in the shop.  I have a TON of ideas allot surrounding Halloween.  Here is what I've been working on and are now available......

as you can see I've been busy.  I'm really excited about the 2 new one's I'm working on now.  It's  a secret but when they're done I will be sharing here so stay tuned.....

What is your favorite time of year? off to paint.......

