Friday, June 17, 2011


Hey friends, 

I have exciting news.  I am now featured in Wedding Style Guide (Austrailia) Winter 2011 edition!  My toppers are on page 81.  I was so excited when they contacted me a few months ago.  They sent me a pdf of the magazine the other day.  Its always weird to see your stuff in print but so exciting at the same time.

I was also apart of the May/June 2011 editon of Bridal Guide page 70

They contacted me back in January or Feb I think.  Of course I'm late on the update here.  As soon as it came out in print Joe and I ran out to get a few copies.  I'm featured along side some other fabulous etsy shops. 

Time for me to get back to painting!  Just wanted to share.  Actually I have to do some shipping first.

Enjoy your weekend!  Happy Dad's day too!



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