Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fitness Goals

I used to run 3-4 miles a day 6 days a week.  Some how I fell off the fitness wagon.  Ever since we moved to our new house 2 years ago and our commute got about 1/2 longer I can 't muster the energy to get on the treadmill after work.  Doing it before work ( I would prefer) is out of the question I already get up at 4:15am to shlep to work.

When I get home if I don't do it as soon as I get home before dinner I won't do it.  I hate to work out on a full stomach, plus wedding season is creeping up on me.  I'm starting to get busy with cake toppers.  I use the excuse "well I really need to get a good 2-3 hours of painting in"

It's so amazing how it seems to take forever to get to a certain fitness level, but in no time you are back to square one once you stop for a while.   I go through this cycle of being really actively fit and then completely falling off the map.  Right now I'm off the map.  I want to get  back on.  I love the energy exercise gives me. 

I'm giving my self weekly challenges.  Trying a new approach.  This week I will walk/run 3 days this week (bonus if I do it 4 or 5) but I'll work with 3.  Today will be the first for the week. 

What are your fitness goals?  Do you have any?

XO for now


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