Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Office Clean up... Finally!

Merry belated Christmas!  The holidays have been a blur, lots of eating, watching classic holiday programs and family gatherings.  I'm so grateful we could all be together another year.  I hope you got to slow down and enjoy the season.

3 days until the new year. I can't believe it.  Before I know it I'll be knee deep in wedding season.  This year will be different as I'm comfortably caught up and plan on staying that way.  I took the Christmas break to start an office clean up and overhaul.

Remember this?.....

 It now looks like this......
The shelf on the wall is from closet maid available at Target

How about this disaster?

I moved the bookcase to the little nook in the room where Ms Zoey's bed
used to be.  Added fabric bins also from closet maid.  They house 
lots of little wood dolls ready to be painted.

How about this closet?

Ta da.... Neat and Clean.  I added a closet maid cubical with 9 cubbies
to hold more wood.

The other side of the closet.... It's now home to my ribbon obsession
and back up paints.  It was actually a food storage rack! 
The blue storage bin on the floor (if you can see it) is holding shipping supplies

This is the wall the bookcase was on. 
 I moved the folding table to this wall.
This is where I place finished orders ready to be sealed and ship.
The bag on top of the printer is holding felt that will eventually be sorted and housed
in the rolling cart underneath the table.  Also under that table is my light box.  
Not positive about leaving it there.

Of course Ms. Zoey had to get in the picture.  It's still a work in progress but it's 10x's better than the mess I was working in.  I want to sand and paint my desk white.  Add artwork and another table to make my desk a bit bigger or replace the folding table.

I couldn't believe how much stuff I was hoarding.  I threw a ton of stuff out and found a lot of stuff I didn't know I had.  Hopefully I can keep it neat and organized.

My next organization job is to take on our garage and storage closet.......



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