Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who said SNOW?

Saturday we had what they call a noreaster come through.  Here in south jersey we had lots of rain and sleet.  Toward the night a few flurries but mostly rain/sleet mix when we went to bed.

Much to my surprise this is what I woke up to.....

Light snow but come on snow in October!
this is the view out of my kitchen windows

Front of my house

Miss Zoey not very please with the early snow.  
Makes going pee pee a challenge.

I do love the snow when I have no place to go.  I hope this isn't a sign of the winter to come.  Last year we had 3 snow storms back to back.  Lucky for me this year no more commuting to the city!  I love my job!

The early snow has me geared up for the Holidays. I just can't wait. Already I'm seeing Christmas commercials , really?  Can't they wait until the week of Thanksgiving to start?  Mmmm Thanksgiving my favorite holiday.  Ok, look at me all over the place. 

I hope tomorrow I get a decent turn out of trick or treaters or I'll be forced to eat all this candy.

How was the start your Sunday?



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