Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Matinee

Hello readers.  Being an 80's child one of my favorite movies was Weird Science a typical John Hughes film about the trials of being a geeky teenager wanting to be in the popular crowd.  I happened to be flipping through the channels this weekend and there it was part of my youth.  I had to stop and watch, join me won't  you?....


Gary Wallace (Anthony Michael Hall) and his best friend, Wyatt Donnelly (Ilan Mitchell-Smith), are 15-year-old nerds with low social standing at their Shermer, Illinois high school, who, in the opening scene, are pantsed by two bullies, Ian (Robert Downey, Jr.) and Max (Robert Rusler) in front of a gymnasium full of beautiful girls

During a weekend at Wyatt's house in which his parents are out of town, the boys are inspired, by the film Frankenstein, to create a woman by feeding their desired statistics of beauty and great intelligence into Wyatt's computer and hacking into a government computer for more power, while connecting Wyatt's computer to a Barbie doll. After a lightning bolt during their experiment creates a violent explosion, a beautiful woman (Kelly LeBrock) appears before them who, in addition to being totally devoted to them, has a number of superhuman abilities, such as memory manipulation, molecular manipulation, and reality warping.
During a weekend at Wyatt's house in which his parents are out of town, the boys are inspired, by the film Frankenstein, to create a woman by feeding their desired statistics of beauty and great intelligence into Wyatt's computer and hacking into a government computer for more power, while connecting Wyatt's computer to a Barbie doll. After a lightning bolt during their experiment creates a violent explosion, a beautiful woman (Kelly LeBrock) appears before them who, in addition to being totally devoted to them, has a number of superhuman abilities, such as memory manipulation, molecular manipulation, and reality warping.

At a shopping mall, Gary and Wyatt, feeling secure after their time with Lisa, are humiliated again by Ian and Max, who dump an Icees onto them in front of the whole mall, upsetting their own girlfriends, Deb (Suzanne Snyder) and Hilly (Judie Aronson). Ian and Max offer an insincere apology to their girlfriends, who relent because Ian and Max have high social standing at school, and don't wish to give up that privilege themselves. Ian and Max then spot Lisa on the escalator and abandon the girls to run after her. When they catch up with her, she invites them to a party at Wyatt's. Gary then pulls up in a Porsche 928 and the three leave together, in order to further lower Ian and Max's self-esteem.

Lisa decides to throw a party.  The boys are skeptical that anyone will show up because they have no friends, but when the doorbell rings, a crowd of teenagers is present, and the party begins. Gary and Wyatt, however, still too intimidated to be socialize, lock themselves in the bathroom. At the party are Ian, Max, Deb, and Hilly. Deb and Hilly meet Gary and Wyatt in the bathroom, shocked to discover that they, not Lisa, are the hosts of the party. Meanwhile, Max and Ian, after being belittled by the man tending bar, encounter Lisa, and try to make a pass at her. She refuses, explaining that she "belongs" to Gary and Wyatt, and does whatever they say

Ian and Max then scheme to offer Gary and Wyatt permission to date their own girlfriends in exchange for dating Lisa, leading Gary and Wyatt to explain how they created her, and an attempt to recreate the process in Wyatt's bedroom with the computer. They forget, however, to connect the computer to a Barbie doll, instead leaving it clamped to a Time magazine on whose cover is Pershing medium-range ballistic missile. The missile, like Lisa, becomes real and ends up emerging in the middle of Wyatt's house from underground.
When Gary and Wyatt are dejected by this, Lisa decides to provoke a confrontation in order to spur them to stand up for themselves. She conjures a group of mutant bikers to disrupt the party. At first the bikers intimidate and humiliate Gary and Wyatt, but after they accost Deb and Hilly, Gary and Wyatt stand up to the mutants, with Gary producing the gun that Lisa used earlier with his parents. After forcing the mutants to leave, Gary assures Wyatt that the gun is a water pistol by firing it, but when a real bullet fires out of it, everyone present, including Deb and Hilly, are impressed by the boys. They end up pairing off, Gary with Deb and Wyatt with Hilly.

The following morning, Chet returns and is outraged by the state of the house, and further terrorizes Wyatt and his friends. Lisa, however, instructs Gary and Wyatt to take Deb and Hilly home, and then confronts Chet, informing him that he will no longer threaten, abuse or extort money from Wyatt, much to Chet's amusement.
Gary and Wyatt take the girls home, each one sharing a kiss with his new girlfriend, though they are left with the question of what to do with Lisa. Back at the house, Lisa has transformed Chet into a squat, green, grotesque, creature, humbling him enough to apologize to Wyatt. They then speak to Lisa, who understands that the boys now have girlfriends, which is all she ever wanted for them. After saying their goodbyes, she disappears in a cloud of smoke and the damage to the house, along with Chet's transformation, is immediately reversed, just in time for the return of Wyatt's parents. However, his grandparents, frozen in the pantry during the party by Lisa, are never heard from again.
In the epilogue, a group of male high school gym students socialize, until they hear the new gym teacher's whistle. When their gym teacher turns out to be Lisa dressed in form-hugging leotard and a cutoff T-shirt, the entire class of boys faints and Lisa looks to the camera and winks

Courtesy of wikepedia 

I hope go down memory lane and check this one out.


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